I must say I can not believe that it has been almost 3 months since our last update. I seem to find other things to do, rather than update our blog. Sorry about that. I know many of you have been anxious to hear from us and see pictures of Tre and Quinn. I must say they are both growing by leeps and bounds. Tre is growing physically, but he has really been developing into a "little boy". He is attending a preschool 2 days a week now and is doing great! He loves it. As a mom it was soooo hard to put him in school, but it has been the BEST thing for him and for me. He is learning so much. I have been amazed at how his vocabulary is growing. He is talking a lot more and is making sentences rather than just using one word. And my favorite thing he has been doing lately is sing the blessing. HOW PRECIOUS!!! It melts my heart to hear him sing to the Lord, and I know it blesses Him even more.
Miss Quinn is growing extremely fast. She is at the 20lb mark and is looking more like her daddy everyday. (Maybe if the Lord sees fit that we have more children my genes will be a little stronger :) ) She is rolling over and is the sweetest and happiest little one. She has been a tremendous blessing to our family. She adores her daddy and Tre. She can be fussy and when they are around she is calm and laughing. Tre loves her as well. The sweetest thing happens when Quinn wakes up. He can't wait to see her and exclaims "Quinn woke up!" You then hear him at her bed saying "Hey Princess!" I love it, too sweet.
We are settled in our house and are enjoying every minute. The renovation continues, but mostly on the outside. I will post pics as we finish.
Below are some of the latest pics of our family. Hope your week is a wonderful one! I will do my best to update sooner the next time.
We love you!

"Big Boy" Tre loves to wear Daddy's hat.

Tre got a John Deer Tractor for his birthday. He enjoys helping Daddy in the yard.