Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy as Bees

Wow how time flies! These past three months have been busy for the Davis family. Quinn and Tre are both growing sooo fast. It is so hard to believe that Tre will be 2 in less than one month and Quinn was three months old on Friday. They both amaze us more and more everyday. Quinn is our little princess, full of smiles and brings so much joy to our lives. Tre is full of energy and excitement. He keeps us on the go and brightens our day with all that he is learning and says. His vocabulary has grown so much over the last month. I love it when he says "Thank you Momma." He is also learning so much. I have to brag on him a little. He is such a fast learner and loves to learn. He knows his ABCs and his numbers 1 to 10. Puzzles have been wonderful in helping him to learn. We are so thankful for our sweet little ones.
Sweet Boy

Princess Quinn

We have also been remodeling an older home for the past 6 months and moved in two weeks ago. We are so glad to be in and are looking forward to settling in soon. We are currently in Houston, TX with Mr. Scott. We have been here for a week and plan to stay till the end of next week. Please keep Mr. Scott in your prayers. Many of you know that he was diagnosed in February with a rare form of cancer. He had surgery last Tuesday and is recoverying well. Surgery did not go as we had hoped, but thankfully Mr. Scott is recovering well and is under the care of the best physicians, especially our "Great Physician". Please pray for him and our family these next few weeks as He recovers and makes decisions for future treatments and medical care.

Tre traveling on his first plane ride.

At the Houston Aquarium

Tre and Uncle Freddie "Dunking the Ball"

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