Monday, October 26, 2009

Enjoying Fall

We are loving the cooler temperatures and beauty that Fall brings to our area. It is such a reminder of how good God is and his awesome power.
We are all doing great. God has been so good to us.
The kids are such a blessing and bring so much joy to our lives. Tre is learning so much. He still goes to Pre-school 2 days a week and absolutely loves it. Miss Priss is into "EVERYTHING"!!!! :) But it is so great to see her moving around and enjoying life. She and Tre are so sweet together. Below are some pictures that I took last week. It was quite difficult to get a good picture of them together. Getting Tre to sit still for one second and keeping Quinn from eating the mums was challenging.

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

Hey Nikki, your babies are getting SO big, I love reading and keeping up with you. Check out my blog, you have been awarded!